Elicit.org search scientific papers with AI
Tweets at https://twitter.com/elicitorg
Supervise the Process of AI Research — with Jungwon Byun and Andreas Stuhlmüller of Elicit tips for how to use AI: think process, back-and-forth interaction rather than simple search. One hour YouTube lesson.
Elicit continues to get better all the time. Since our first mention of them, Elicit became an independent company, raised funding, and launched a brand new version of the product with dozens of important new features including the ability to upload your own papers, import from Zotero, summarize the most important papers and more:
Here’s a sample query “Does wearing an activity tracker improve health outcomes?”
PS Week 230302 example:
Nov 2022
I didn’t have good results with this query “What is the relationship between akkermansia and cardiovascular disease?”